遊戲說明 :這是一個防衛型的遊戲 玩家可以控制一個看起來平凡無奇但擁有超能力的男孩 他的名字叫喬 還有他的朋友 邦妮 傑斯 以及 機器人哈利 再一個無所事事的的日子裡 抵抗總算有點刺激的 殭屍與怪物大軍入侵這個城市 玩家的任務就是保衛這個城市 並透過升級 加強這個城市的研究 以及 人員武器裝備 還有技能 來完成抵檔飢餓的殭屍 暴力的變種人 食人的變種植物 還有殺人機器等等怪物的侵襲

The Pocalypse Defense is a defense game based on The Pocalypse webcomic. You control Joe, a seemingly normal young man... but with super powers! With your friends Bernie, Jess, and robot Harry, your job is to protect the survivors' colony of New Hammerston from hungry zombies, violent mutants, man-eating plant monsters, homicidal machines, and survivor-snatching vampires! The Pocalypse Defense is a defense game based on The Pocalypse webcomic. You control Joe, a seemingly normal young man... but with super powers! With your friends Bernie, Jess, and robot Harry, your job is to protect the survivors' colony of New Hammerston from hungry zombies, violent mutants, man-eating plant monsters, homicidal machines, and survivor-snatching vampires!
Goto Play Game 遊戲連結