遊戲玩法 : 滑鼠 Mouse
遊戲說明 : 這是個農場經營類型的遊戲 玩家一樣要東跑西跑的種植農作物 餵養動物 辛苦的管理整個農場的作業 接受訂單賺錢改善農場 是個很有趣味的經營遊戲

Yee-haw. Slip into the tractor seat and turn a small farm into a booming business. Choose your Virtual Farm crops, then till your ground and water your fields. Harvest your produce and take your goods to market. Once there, set the prices and keep a close eye on demand. With tons of upgrades to earn, you`ve got plenty of customers to satisfy in this hillbilly Time Management game. Virtual Farm will have your entire family squealing like, well, pigs.
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