2012年2月3日 星期五

Zombotron 殭屍行星

遊戲類型 : 冒險遊戲 Adventure Game

遊戲玩法 : 鍵盤 Keyboard + 滑鼠 Mouse

遊戲說明 : 歡迎來到這個星球Zombotron,這裡充滿著人類的突變體以及沒有思考能力的殭屍。沒有人知道他們是來自哪裡 或是他們吃什麼東西維生。但我們知道一件事 - 就是他們準備摧毀一切會移動的東西。

殖民在星球上的人類 建立起幾個實驗室發展出生物機器人,用來清除這個行星上的殭屍,但是有些地方卻出了錯。現在的星球Zombotron上已經沒有人類了,但這些實驗室仍在電腦控制下持續運作中。

玩家扮演為數不多的生物機器人之一,使用滑鼠來瞄準敵人 射擊敵人,使用鍵盤移動遊戲中的生物機器人,玩家還可以找到一些工作站啟動他們購買一些彈藥 醫護箱等裝備,你準備好要完成這一個使命了嗎?


Welcome to the planet «Zombotron», inhabited by human-mutants or just stupid zombies. Nobody knows where they come from and what they eat. But we know one thing - they are ready to destroy everything that moves.

During the colonization of the planet people built several laboratories to create bio-robots to clean the planet from evil, but something was wrong. There was no people on the planet Zombotron, but those laboratories still operate under the computer&s contro l.

You are one of the few bio-robots and so will you be able to complete this mission?

Version 1.4

* Fixed few problems with missions timer;
* Fixed problem with the «Play» button;
* Fixed some bugs in the design levels;
* Changed key for activate self-destruct;
* And some other improvements.


A, D - move left and right;
W (or Spacebar) - jump;
E (or F, S) - Action;
Q - switch weapons;
R - reload gun;
H - use first aid-kit;
Esc (or P) - pause.

Goto Play This Game 遊戲連結
